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By-election only option : Cumberland

Writer: Lyse-Pascale InamucoLyse-Pascale Inamuco

The City of Ottawa can hold a by-election in Cumberland Ward during phase 2 of the Reopening Ontario.  In mid-March, at the beginning of COVID-19 pandemic, an appointment seemed like the best option and only choice to replace Stephen Blais in Ward 19. The public was forced to self-isolate and practice physical distance, which means that a campaign was the least of their worries on top of not being safe.  However, now that we are in phase 2 of Reopening Ontario, the public is more informed and armed to stay safe by wearing masks, washing their hands with soap multiple times during the day, and keeping their distance while at groceries stores, restaurants, bus stations, etc.  Everything is in place to allow a by-election anywhere in Ontario, including in Cumberland. Let democracy speak. We can do this in a manner that will respect public health safety measures.  There are many options to consider, such as special mail-in ballots that won’t require residents to wait for long hours in line to vote or put them at risk in any way.  An appointment is not an option at all. This would be such a loss for the residents of the ward. Democracy matters even during a pandemic.  A concerned citizen 




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